Trans Muslim Narratives

Islamaphobia is a racist system that marginalizes Muslims in the US. The common narrative is that Islam is anti-LGBT, and politicians use this to demonize the Muslim community.

The shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in 2016 is something I will never forget. I was preparing to come out as bisexual at the time, and the news surrounding that event was an obstacle in my process. I was afraid of everyone, seeing danger everywhere I looked. I remember the trauma queer people felt during that time was used by politicians to spew hate against Muslims. It was used to justify the "Muslim ban" that stranded people in terrible situations. More information on the intersections of that time here:

At the same time, I have heard of hardships within Islam, as many predominantly Muslim countries carry harsh legal penalties for queer sex and gender expression or transgression. Let's see what queer and trans Muslims have to say about their own lives.

Queer Muslim Futurism

(I am becoming a fan of all things "futurism". I love fiction, and futurism uses art and fiction to imagine the possibilities of life in the future for marginalized groups. Queer Muslim Futurism? I want to read it and see it! His analysis of language opportunity/understanding is fascinating too.)

Trans Muslims Speak for Themselves

(I want to especially highlight this source as it global and speaks about the only Muslim school for trans people. If American non-Muslims only listened to mainstream narratives about Islam, we would never know such an institution to exist)

(This source is about a queer Muslim party! It touches on the challenges LGBT Muslims face within their community, while also celebrating their joy)


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